About Us

Empowering Visionary Connections: Bridging Optometrists and Clinics for Future-Focused Care

Our Mission

At DayOD, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the optometry industry by fostering meaningful connections between optometrists and clinics, leading to enhanced patient care and professional growth.
Our mission is to provide a seamless online ecosystem that brings together optometry professionals and clinics seeking to collaborate, ensuring that every practitioner finds the ideal day placement and every clinic discovers the perfect fill-in OD.
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Embracing innovation is fundamental to our platform's foundation. We continually seek new ways to enhance the job placement experience, leveraging technology to reshape the future of optometry practice.

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We empower both optometrists and clinics to take control of their professional journeys. Our platform equips optometrists with the tools to find the best-fit positions, while clinics gain access to a pool of talented professionals.

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Honesty and integrity are at the heart of everything we do. We're dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all interactions, building trust and credibility within the optometry industry.

Our Story

In a rapidly evolving world of optometric care, the need for flexible solutions became increasingly evident. This realization marked the inception of DayOD – a groundbreaking online platform that redefines how optometrists and clinics come together to seamlessly fulfill day fill-in placements. Our story is one of vision, innovation, and dedication to transforming the way optometry professionals and clinics connect for short-term collaborations.
A Vision Unveiled

The idea behind DayOD emerged from a collective desire to bridge the gap between optometrists seeking day fill-in opportunities and clinics in need of short-term staffing solutions. We recognized that this unique aspect of the optometry field deserved a tailored platform that streamlined the process, facilitating connections that were efficient, transparent, and mutually beneficial.

Innovating for Impact

Driven by a commitment to innovation, we set out to create a platform that harnessed the power of technology to solve a real-world challenge. Our team of technologists, optometry experts, and industry enthusiasts collaborated to craft DayOD – an intuitive, user-friendly platform designed to revolutionize day fill-in placements.

The DayOD Experience

Our tech-enabled platform offers a dynamic and easy-to-use interface that empowers optometrists to seamlessly search for available day fill-in opportunities that align with their schedules and preferences. On the flip side, clinics can efficiently find qualified optometrists to cover their short-term staffing needs, ensuring that patient care remains uninterrupted.

More Than a Platform – A Community

DayOD isn`t just about transactions; it`s about building connections and fostering a sense of community within the optometry field. Our platform acts as a catalyst for networking, collaboration, and knowledge exchange, enabling optometrists and clinics to share insights and experiences that elevate the entire industry.

The DayOD Promise

Our journey is fueled by a promise to deliver excellence, reliability, and convenience. We stand by the principle that every day fill-in placement matters, and through DayOD, we aim to make each placement a seamless, hassle-free experience for both optometrists and clinics.

Shaping the Future of Optometry

As we continue to grow and evolve, we remain dedicated to our mission of empowering optometric care through innovation and collaboration. DayOD envisions a future where day fill-in placements are efficient, effective, and readily accessible, contributing to the overall advancement of the optometry field.

Join us on the DayOD journey

where optometrists and clinics unite to shape a brighter, more connected future for optometric care – one day, or more, at a time.

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About us

Our Story


Copyright © 2023 DayOD

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